
Marriage is from God, from the beginning of creation of the mankind (See Gen 1-2). It is not invention of man just for fulfilling his desires, but God's plan that a man and a woman complete each other and are connected and devoted to each other in a very deep way. Fallen man unfortunately misuses it often by his selfishness.

Reasons for Christians not to marry

  • Marriage is made only for the earthly life, in the heaven we will not need it.
  • The unmarried are more free for evangelizing and serving the spiritual family, the church..
  • If one of the spouses happens to fall away from God, the other can be also weakened because of the close emotional relationship of marriage.

Why may Christians marry?

  • the Bible:
    Gen 2 - Marriage is given by God as a normal way of life
    Mt 19 - to be eunuchs for the kingdom of God is given for some, not for all.
    1Cor 7 -  v9 "It is better to marry then to burn." v7 "Each man has his own gift from God." 24-28:
    "Each man, ... should remain in the situation God called him to... But if you do marry, you have not sinned"
    This time most people married in a young age, so probably most were already married. So I think we cannot apply this passage directly to our day when many young are single when converted.
    1Tim 5 - Paul even advices young widows to marry, so that they have something good to do.
  • Early church fathers don't forbid marriage, but state it as a fact that happened among the Christians, e.g. toDiogenetos: "They marry & have children but don't leave their children without care."   Ignatius to Polycarp 5:7 "It becometh men and women too, when they marry, to unite themselves with the consent of the bishop, that the marriage may be after the Lord and not after concupiscence."
  • Anti-witness of practical life: scandals with Catholic celibate priests, also in our community: not so few sexual temptations, sins & exclusions for them.
  • Common sense: sanctification, being a good witness: one can learn much self-denying & devotion in a life-long relationship. It is also a picture of devotion to Christ. It gives more understandable example for unbelievers than our 'families' in every town. Forbidding marriage was a sign of Gnostic false teachers who saw material body as bad.

Who should decide if one can marry?

In the Bible some chose their wife (e.g Jacob), for some parents found a spouse (Isaac). To Jeremiah God told not to marry, Hosea was instructed to marry by the Lord. So there are different examples. In Matt 19 Jesus said to some it is given to be eunuchs, but not to all. Who knows to whom it is given and to whom not? A man himself or the others? Who is going to bear the consequences of marrying or not marrying? 

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